Parking Now App

Work for the University of West Attica in the 6th semester of study in the course Digital Interactive and Multimedia Applications.
Parking Now is an application which through radar and GPS will show parking availability on any street you choose. The application will open to the maps, and will contain colors that will determine availability, and not (green, yellow, red). The application has the option of choosing a location depending on what the user wants to do at the moment, for example if he wants to go out for a meal, it suggests locations with flexible parking.
Flow Diagramm
Here is the detailed flow diagram for the correct operation of the application, according to my research on the needs of the user. The age limit for users is 18+ as they must have a driving license. The connection to the application is made through Facebook , Google or creating an account in it. In the process of creating an account, there is the entry of the vehicle chassis number or VIN (Vehicle Identification Number), which will check the size of the vehicle and ,based on this, check the availability.
Logo Design
The logo was designed with a curvilinear shape, which is characterized by the fact that it can change direction at any moment, just like the car. The design idea was based on the initial letters of the application ( P , N ) designed by the Bauhaus 93 font. Then, it was shaped to resemble the curve of the road, adding dotted white lines so as to create a dynamic relationship and the message to be perceived by every potential user.
Parking Now App


Parking Now App



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